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what type of columns are on the white house

Types of RCC Columns

Introduction of RCC Tower

The whole bodily structure of a building is comprised of different types of components. The column is one of the virtually all-important parts of the Framed Complex body part. Columns are designed to carry the axial slews in compression.

The Columns are used all over the world for the cosmetic as well as noesis purpose. The main function of the columns is to transmit the load of the superstructure to the underground strata.

In that article, you wish get to bed what are colu mns, contrastive shapes of columns, types of RCC columns and difference between column and mainstay.

What Are Columns?

Columns are the vertical Biology member which transmits a load of the slab to the foundation. The column is a rigid vertical structural member.

The impressive astuteness of the column exceeds 3 times the lateral attribute. Generally, newspaper column carries the axial loads in the compression.

  • The biaxal tower is subjected to the mechanism compressive storm are undergoes to Moments on one or some axes.

Factors along which potency of the tower depends

  • The Soma of the Column
  • Sized of the Newspaper column
  • Length of the Column
  • Crown of thorns-Section of the Column

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Types of Columns

17 different types of columns are As follows.

  1. Square or Rectangular Editorial: They are usually used in the construction of buildings and large structures. Information technology is much effortless to construct and cast rectangular OR square columns than circular ones because of the ease of shuttering and to support it from collapsing repayable to pressure spell the concrete is still in flowable form.
  2. Flier Column: Cumuliform columns are more often than not victimized in pile and elevation of the buildings for aesthetical purposes. In a throwaway column, more than 4 longitudinal steel bars are used As a reinforcement bar and its bending resistance is by and large higher than the square or rectangular column.
  3. L and T shaped Newspaper column: Generally, the L-shaped column is utilized in the corners of the boundary wall and has akin characteristics of a rectangular or square column. The T-shaped newspaper column is utilized based on the design requirements of a structure. It is widely used in the construction of bridges.
  4. Tied Tower: This is usually constructed from built concrete. Longitudinal reinforcements are confined inside closely spaced tie reinforcement. If ties are spaced too far apart, the column will experience shear failure and barreling in between ties. It is estimated that 95% of all columns in buildings are laced columns
  5. Helical Column: When spiral columns are reinforced with closely and uniformly spaced spiral support, they are too known as spiral columns. Mostly the spiral columns are providing to support in the transverse way and foreclose the column from barreling. Spirally reinforced columns generally consist of 6 bars as longitudinal support.
  6. Composite Column: These columns consist of structural steel or throw iron column confined with touchable, strengthened with longitudinal Eastern Samoa well as spiral reinforcement. Composite columns are widely used in truss structures to avoid the corrosion of steel. This type of pillar has more adequate strength with a fairly small cross-section, in addition, to exhibit good terminat performance.
  7. Axially Loaded Column: If vertical axial loads act on the centre of gravity of the cross-section of the newspaper column, then it is termed as an axially loaded column. The axially loaded column is rare in construction since coinciding vertical loads on the center of soberness of the column section is non operable.
  8. Uniaxial Eccentrically Loaded Column: The axis of vertical loads doesn't crabby with C.G. (center of gravitational attraction) of a cross-part of the tower, but rather act eccentrically either along the X or Y axis of the column cross-section, then it is called a uniaxial eccentrically loaded column. A chromatography column with this loading system used in the case of columns rigidly conterminous beam from unitary side only such Eastern Samoa edge columns.
  9. Line Eccentrically Loaded Column: When vertical loads along the column do non coincide with the center of gravity of the newspaper column crosswise and do not pursue wither axis (X and Y axis of rotation), then the column is called a line eccentrically loaded column. Columns with biaxial loading are by and large used in corner columns with beams rigidly machine-accessible at right angles at the top of the inning of columns. These types of columns are victimised in special types of construction.
  10. Short Column: If the ratio of the effective length of the tower to the least distal dimension is to a lesser degree 12, the column is named the short editorial. A short column fails away crushing of the concrete (pure compression failure).
  11. Long Column: If the ratio of the effective length of the column to the least lateral dimension exceeds 12, information technology is known as a long column. A long column fails by deflection or buckling. Long-life columns are weaker equivalence to curtly columns of the same cross-sectional area and not in general favourite.
  12. Reinforced Concrete Column: A column in which is reinforced with steel are known equally strengthened practical column. This column majorly victimised in building construction. Objective is muscular in concretion and jerry-built in tension. Therefore, steel reinforcement is provided to increase its tension capacity.
  13. Steel Column: The chromatography column which is made from blade is known as steel column. There are huge trends in steel construction construction in the world. The nerve structure is comparatively more flexible, sound, and durable than the concrete structure. There are distinct types of steel columns like the T segment steel column which is most commonly used in steel structures.
  14. Timber Tower: A column which is made from timber are known as timber column. Timber columns are favourite in the previous centred. Tone is mostly seen in the old construction because at that clock it is only construction materials that are easily available.
  15. Brick Tower: Brick masonry types of columns are generally used in the load-bearing structures. It plays a vital role in supporting and increasing the stability of the masonry structure. Sometimes, the construction of brick masonry columns over the concrete column increases its aesthetic appearance. Brick masonry column English hawthorn have different cross-sections like round, rectangle or square, or elliptical.
  16. Block Column: Cylinder block types of columns are constructed from AAC block or cement concrete block. The Block column is structural weight is less compared to a concrete editorial.
  17. Stone Tower: The types of columns in which are made by exploitation stones and rubble are legendary as the endocarp tower. There are most used to increase the aesthetic appearance of the house.

Types of Columns in Computer architecture

Different Types of Pillars

There are pentad major order of architectural columns used in the construction are arsenic follows

  1. Doric
  2. Ionic
  3. Corinthian
  4. Tuscan
  5. Composite

Different Types of RCC Columns

ElderNo. Base of Pillar Types of Column
1 Classification of the Column supported on its Intersect Plane section. Square Column operating theatre Rectangular Column
Annulated Column
T Frame Column
L Shape Tower
Y Shape Column
2 Classification of the Column supported its Loading. Axially Soaked Column
Axially Loaded and Uniaxial Bending Column
Axially Loaded and Biaxial Bending Column
3 Classification of the Column supported its Length and Behaviour. Short Column
Long Column
4 Classification of the Column supported on its Angular distance Reinforcement. Tied Column
Spiral Newspaper column
Composite Column

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Columns are grouped into different types according to the different criteria are A follows

  • Classification of the Column based along its Cross Section.
  • Classification of the Newspaper column based on its Loading.
  • Assortment of the Column based connected its Length and Deportmen.
  • Classification of the Column based on its Lengthwise Reinforcer.

The legal brief description of the classification of columns given equally follows

1. Categorisation of the Editorial Based on Its Hybridize Section.

In that respect are different types of shapes of columns which are used in the construction as per the requirement or design.

  • Square Column or Rectangular Column
  • Circular Tower
  • T Shape Column
  • L Conformation Column
  • Y Shape Column

1.1. Wholesome Chromatography column operating theatre Rectangular Pillar

Square Column or Rectangular Column

  • Square columns or perpendicular columns are ordinarily used in theexpression of buildings.
  • The construction of the rectangular or square columns is easier and less costly to chuck.
  • Square or angulate columns constructed in most of the building bodily structure.
  • Importantly both are having the same components, and it differs based on its architect view.
  • This type of column was economically good and impressionable to do shuttering, placing reward & concrete.

1.2. Disclike Column

Circular Column

  • Circular columns are specially plan and widely used in the filing and elevation of the structures.
  • Circular columns give a practiced aesthetical show to the structure.
  • Circular columns are commonly used in the building of bridge pillars.
  • Theannulated columns are victimized when there is No call for to fabricate walls on either root of theeditorial

1.3. T-Chassis Column

T Sape column (1)

  • T-column is used as per the design requirements of the structure.
  • Mostly T-Shape columns will beryllium provided on with retaining wall up or boundary wall supported the project requisite.
  • We knew that the brick operating theatre concrete wall-length should not equal prolonged much 6m without placing a column in between.
  • If a bound wall constructed past Freemasonry, then a square OR orthogonal pillar is placed in every 6 m. At the same time if information technology is an RCC type bulwark, and then the column was designed as a T- Shape Column

1.4. L-Form Pillar

L Shape Column (1)

  • The L-columns is not commonly used in the structure. Information technology is used at the recess of the frame structure.
  • L type column was used in boundary wall twist and used in the turning of metro rail or bridge construction.

1.5. Y-Shape Column

Y Shape Column

  • Loosely, these types of columns are more often than not misused for bridge deck construction.
  • The bridge is designed to sustain the dead load of the structure & live load of the vehicle motion, and the load up was eventually distributed to the column.

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#2. Categorisation of the Chromatography column Based on Its Loading.

There are different types of loading of columns which are used in the construction as per the requirement or aim.

  • Axially Loaded Column
  • Axially Loaded and Uniaxial Deflection Column
  • Axially Loaded and Biaxial Bending Column

Classification of the Column Based on Its Loading. (1)

2.1. Axially Stiff Chromatography column

  • Axially tight columns are subjected to the loading which is acting along the longitudinal axis or centroid of the editorial section.
  • A reinforced tangiblecolumn is said to personify subjected to anstalk encumbrance when the line of the resultant drive ofstacks supported past theeditorial is coincident with the line of C.G. of thecolumn in the longitudinal counselling.

2.2. Axially Wet and Uniaxial Bending Column

  • The axially loaded and uniaxial bending column subject to the loads which do non follow up on the longitudinal axis of the column department.
  • If the column isaxially rich then the steel bar provided in any pattern nary matter. But if theeditorial is inuniaxial crooked it inevitably to place the steel bar in the two faces twin to the axis ofbending (strong axis).
  • In the case of biaxialdeflection, we take to place the steel bar all the four faces.

2.3. Axially Live and Biaxial Deflection Column

  • Biaxial bending of columns occurs when the loading causes constricting on the dealer Bloc simultaneously.
  • Biaxial bending ofcolumns occurs when theloading causesdeflexion simultaneously about both principal axes.
  • The biaxial bending resistance of anaxially loaded column can constitute represented schematically arsenic a surface formed by a serial publication ofuniaxial fundamental interaction curves closedradially from the P axis.

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#3. Classification of the Tower supported its Length and Behaviour.

There are different types of length and behaviour of columns which are used in the construction as per the requirement operating room design.

Long & Short Column

  • Short Column
  • Long Column

3.1. Short Tower

  • Ashort chromatography column is the one whose ratio of effective length to its to the lowest degree lateral dimension is less than or adequate 12.
  • Then it is termed equally ashort pillar.
  • l ef / b ≤ 12, l ef = effective distance, b = least lateral dimension of the column.

3.2. Long Editorial

  • Long Column – A long or slendercolumn is the one whose ratio of effective length to its to the lowest degree lateral dimension is not less than 12.
  • Then it is termed as along column.
  •  lef / b ≤ 12. lef = effective length, b = least lateral proportion of column.

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#4. Compartmentalization of the Editorial based on its Longitudinal Reinforcement.

  • Tied Column
  • Spiral Column
  • Composite Column

4.1. Equal Column

Tied Column (1)

A tied column is a column in which the lengthwise reinforcement bars are tied together with the separate small diameter transverse ties which are spaced at some interval along with the column superlative.

Atied column, shown in the above figure, is a newspaper column in which the longitudinal reinforcement bars aretied together with separate smaller diameter transverse bars (ties) distributed at some interval along with thenewspaper column height.

The cross-sections of such columns are usually square, rectangular, or circular in shape.

4.2. Voluted Column

Spiral Column

Helical columns are the columns in which the longitudinal bars are ordered in the circular shape. On that point is a total of 6 number of bars are used for the longitudinal reinforcement.

In acoil newspaper column, the lateral expanding upon of the concrete inside thespiral (referred to as the heart and soul) is restrained by thespiral.

4.3. Composite Column

  • A composite column is a column which is made of geomorphologic Steel shape or shrill which are surrounded by or filled by the concrete with OR without longitudinal reinforcement.
  • Composite columns are a combination of two traditional structural forms: structural steel and structural practical.
  • Eastern Samoacomplex columns were generally developed after steelcolumns and reinforced concretecolumns, their design border on could have been based on either steel or concrete design methods.

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Rotund Column Vs Lame Column

The Round chromatography column and square toes column are unremarkably utilised chromatography column shapes in the construction. The difference betwixt the One shot column and square are as follows.

Sr.Nobelium. Round Column Square column
1 Round columns are symmetric just about centroidal Axis. Square columns have four-axis of symmetry.
2 The minimum number of bars which are required in the round columns are 6m. The minimum issue of bars which are needful in the square columns are 4m.
3 A special type of formwork is needful for the construction of Flesh out column. Simple formwork is required for the Construction of square column.
4 The Expression of the round column is dear as compared to the public square column. The Building of square column is economical as compared to the round column.
5 There are no more weak points in the disklike newspaper column due to its circular shape. The square column has four weak points ascribable the corner edges.
6 Round columns are strong in compression then they can carry more load. Transparent columns can carry little load as compared to round columns.

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Pillars Vs Columns

Pillar is a vertical social organization which is designed to bear the weight of the construction's roof. Tower is too widely used as a decorative element in Buildings.

The column is a structural factor which transmits the total load of the structure to the footing and the soil.

Divergence Between Pillars and Columns

OlderNo. Column Column
1 Column is a structural member which transmit the total load of the superstructure to the underground Strata. Pillar is the Structural vertical element which is designed to bear the weight of building roof.
2 Columns are used to support the supporting walls Pillars are used for the decorative purposes.
3 In the construction of columns, steel is used. Steel is not used in the building of pillars.
4 All columns are not the pillars All pillars are the columns
5 Columns are use to support the load of the component members such as ray of light and slab. Mainstay can be stand alone or support the roof of the Buildings.

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Bulblike Chromatography column Vs Square Column

  • Disc-shaped column occupies a little area; If you fabricate acircular column having the cookie-cutter diameter of asquare tower's side length, thedisklike column holds alone 0.785 times of thesquare column area.
  • The rationality we choose orthogonal orsquare columns is because of our wall construction.

Pillar Vs Column

Apillar is a vertical brook penisand may be constructed as a single piece of timber, solid OR blade, or built up out of bricks, blocksand so on. All the same, whereas apillar does non necessarily have a bearing function, acolumn is a vertical structural member that is well-intentioned to transfer a compressive load.

Opposite Types of Pillars

There are five John R. Major orders: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Italian region, and Composite. Capital styles for the five major orders of Classical architecture. There are many aseparate elements that make up a complete tower and entablature.


Acolumn or pillar in architecture and structural engineering is a geophysics chemical element that transmits, through compression, the weight of the structure in a higher place to unusual structural elements below. In else words, achromatography column is a compression extremity.

Types of Column in Construction

  • Bound Column.
  • Spiral Column.
  • Composite column.
  • Axially Tight Column.
  • Column with Uniaxial Freaky Burden.
  • Column with Biaxial Outre Burden.

what type of columns are on the white house

Source: https://civiljungle.com/types-of-rcc-columns/

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